On Curly Hair and Being A Photographer : Personal

I really wanted curly hair.  My friends had talked all about this curly girl thing.  I read the book.  I  researched and researched ('cause I love research).   I tried the methods I listened to the experts and somehow success just wasn't meant to be mine.  Greasy hair, crunchy hair, those things I could achieve but gorgeous curls, they weren't happening.  Years later I looked in the mirror.  "When did I get this curly hair I'd dreamed of?"  I wondered. 

"Is your hair naturally curly?"  It's the question every girl dreaming of curls is wishing she could hear.  It's a question I hear now but not one I used to (believe me:).

I worked so hard to have curly hair but my curls weren't achieved in an instant or even in the 6-8 weeks the experts promised.  My curls were achieved through time, consistence, and finding my own rhythm.  Believe it or not, everyday still isn't a perfect hair day for this curly girl.  Some days my hair is just sad.

I think it sounds a lot like photography.  I can read the articles and research, research, research.  I can listen to the experts and try to copy them but I won't be a good photographer until I spend time just clicking the shutter, until I forget a few of the rules and find a rhythm.

I kind of forgot about my perfect curls obsession and it was somewhere in the forgetting that I got those curls.  Maybe it's somewhere in the forgetting of the perfect photographer that we start to really craft our art!


  1. so how did you get your curly hair?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hey Madeleine! Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting!

    My curly hair came about through research and trial and error. If you're looking for a place to get started on your own journey I'd recommend checking out http://adornabelle.com/curly/. Doing the research first is helpful but don't get discouraged if everything doesn't play out as prescribed. For example I use shampoo (a natural one) and I don't always scrunch my hair, both of which are recommend. As I said in my post, you have to find your own rhythm!

    The best to you and thanks for visiting!


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