Friends Photo Shoot : Freeport, IL

It was downtown for breakfast (and a cup of coffee for me) and then a stroll with my camera for company. The camera was her idea and I agreed, excited for the opportunity to take pictures around some of Freeport's loveliest architecture. 

In retrospect it sort of turned into a friends photo shoot, but not exactly, because we were our own photographers, I took pictures of her and she took pictures of me.   

(You can see some of that lovely architecture in the background.)

I had to post this one 'cause I love that happy, silly grin. :)

If you're a fellow photographer, you know how different it can be to find yourself the one in front of the camera instead of behind it.  Wow!  Look!  That's a picture of me! :)  No, seriously, it's kind of different. 

Thank's dear for your thoughtfulness in snapping these! 

Thanks for a lovely morning, dear!

Friday's Word

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