Aim and Fire Friday - Gaze in Frame

Aim and Fire Friday posts are designed specifically for the amateur photographer who wants to learn to take better photographs but doesn’t have fancy equipment. All of the photos in the Aim and Fire Friday posts are taken with a Nikon Coolpix E995 unless otherwise noted.

In last week's Aim and Fire post we talked about telling a story/sharing a message in every photo.  Today we are going to look at the profound impact your subject's gaze can have  on that message.  Let's look at a few examples.

Here we have two people whose gazes are directed at each other drawing the viewer into the relationship.

Here the subject's gaze is directed outside of the frame.  There are pros and cons to this kind of shot 1) your viewers naturally want to know what your subject is looking at.  You can either decide to show them or not. 2) If you decide to show the object of their gaze it can create a focal point for your shot.  If you choose to hide the object of their gaze it can create tension or intrigue either spoiling of making the shot.

Here the subject is looking directly at the camera making them the focal point.  This kind of shot can create tension which is not necessarily bad but do be aware of it.

Remember, as photographers we are all about telling a story.  There isn't a right or wrong way but rather it is about making sure that your subjects gaze is in the right place to tell their individual story.  Lastly, don't sweat it and remember that practice makes perfect!  Go make the moments last!

Note: much of the information for this post was gathered from -

Make it up right!

I love the smell of make-up.  My mom didn’t wear it all the time when I was a little girl but on occasion she would pull out her pink make-up bag and brush on a little color.  I remember sitting in her bathroom and watching her dust the stuff on.

Whether or not you are a make-up wearing lady or a gentleman who doesn't generally think about make-up, if you are a photographer and you ever shoot a wedding you might find yourself taking pictures of gooey black gunk and rose colored powder.  Why?  It is part of capturing those “getting-ready-for-the-big-day” moments. So, why not get a little practice now?

Maybe, you don't plan on doing weddings though, and product photography is more up your line.  Either way, grab a few make-up containers and get to work!


Aim and Fire Friday

Aim and Fire Friday posts are designed specifically for the amateur photographer who wants to learn to take better photographs but doesn’t have fancy equipment. All of the photos in the Aim and Fire Friday posts are taken with a Nikon Coolpix E995 unless otherwise noted.

What do you do when you get to have the most darling little girl spend time with you? You take pictures!

Regardless of how inadequate you feel your camera is to do the moment justice, I would encourage you to go for it anyways! A lot (if not most) of what makes a good photographer isn’t the camera but the talent. A professional photographer can take a photo with a basic camera that would outshine any amateur with fancy equipment.

The ability to tell a story is one of a photographer’s greatest skills. For some it is more natural, for others it takes practice, but for both it is essential. Your pictures needs to tell your audience about the person not just what they look like. They need to give your audience a taste of who your subject is not just how they appear.

As a photographer it is important that you know the feeling you want to evoke and the story you want to tell.

So, back to our original question, “What do you do when you get to have the most darling little girl spend time with you?” You take pictures! You take them with whatever camera you have and you tell your story seen by your viewer through her huge brown eyes and sweet personality expressed in her little face.


Puppy Eyes . . .

                                                           . . . they melt your heart.

Welcome to my blog!

Thanks for visiting my blog!  I am glad to be starting this site, where I plan to share my photography (in an effort to improve myself in this area) and encourage other amateur photographers.

And lest I forget the purpose of this blog, I leave you with a photo. :)

I love flowers!

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